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Before 2008, if you came to China, you could sell only few species of roses in the market. Phalaenopsis, or butterfly orchid, Peonies, Gypsophila, Gloriosa, were then considered novelties, but now more and more exotic varieties are becoming common ...
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A migrant ship with pregnant women and children is stranded at sea, and a surprise discovery in Berlin.
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damage to the Russian food-sector from the coronavirus will be minimal, possible failures will be compensated, said the head of the trade Committee of “Business Russia” Alexey Fedorov. In early February a number of large retailers have created a ...
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Russian agricultural is flourishing as leading companies and the state pour money into the sector amid the sanctions that have cut food imports.
#meat #all
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In the “Crossroads” deficit of buckwheat, pasta, meat or toilet paper is not detected. Ending product then drop from the distribution center. The shortage of socially important goods in the warehouses too, no – loading, unloading and delivery to the ...
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Climate change is working against other regions but in favor of the Eurasian Grain Belt.
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Russian Biofuels Association is pleased to invite you to attend the International Congress & Expo “BIOMASS: Fuel & Power”. We would be honored if you considered joining us in Moscow (Russia).
#all #sugar
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Prior to the conference, stayed 3 weeks!
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Este segmento de la televisión rusa realiza una exploración en profundidad de las industrias agrícolas de Rusia, incluida su especialidad en alimentos orgánicos.
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how to be filled and shelves will largely depend on prices. Already, there are predictions that due to coronavirus products will go up. But is it? And only virus to blame?
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Join us at the «Graintek-2016», the largest and the most focused
Forum and Exhibition for Industrial Biotechnology & the Biobased
Economy in Russia and neighboring countries.
#all #sugar
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Corn returned to the doldrums today after a big move yesterday, -2 ½ at 3.55 ¼ (Dec). The rally a day ago was not based on a single market-moving event, but thought to be a culmination of several factors including an oversold market, ...
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the Existing inventory and available production capacity is more than enough even to meet the increased demand for food, assured the Vice-Premier of Victoria Abramchenko. But besides this, the Ministry of agriculture and the Ministry of industry ...
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Nezavisimaya Gazeta: Russia may hit back at US strike on Syria with cruise missiles
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When Murat Shamshinurov toasted this year's harvest with a glass of vodka, he did so with confidence.
Business Report
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Strengthening the export positions on the world market will be a key area for the Russian fat-and-oil sector in the coming years. Which countries will act as major trading partners of the industry will be discussed at the conference fat-and-oil-2018.
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Good Morning! Paul Georgy with the early morning commentary forMay 30, 2017.
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Krasnodar, August 27 – Yug Times. Our today’s interviewee is Dmitri Rylko, general director of the Institute of Agricultural Market Behaviour.
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All companies offering quality machinery and integrated solutions for the garden & landscape industry with their sights on the Chinese market are now able to register for 2020 Guangzhou Int’l Garden Machinery Fair (GMF 2020), and by August 2019, a ...
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MOSCOW: Russian wheat export prices fell last week, reflecting competition with other global grain exporters, analysts said on Tuesday.
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Chinese, Russian and Mexican meat industry experts share glimpse into countries.
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At the meeting of the Council of the Eurasian economic Commission of 25 March decided to temporarily reduce or cancel import duties on a number of commodities, said a member of the Board (Minister) for trade of the EEC Andrey Slepnev. According to ...
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A record-breaking snow storm will benefit wheat crops across central Russia, reinforcing the outlook for another big harvest.
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Notizie dal mondo nella settimana dal 20 al 26 aprile 2018
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Las expectativas de cosecha de soja récord en Estados Unidos sumado a la posible caída en la demanda China por la fiebre porcina africana que afecta al ganado provocaron una fuerte caída.
#all #oilseeds
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Według instytutu koniunktury rynków rolnych (IKAR), rosyjski import rolno-spożywczy z w bieżącym roku wyniesie około 22,2 mld euro. Jest to o 45,6 proc. mniej niż w 2013 r. - informuje farmer.pl.
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Paul Georgy with the early morning commentary forJuly 22, 2016.
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Lundi 4 juillet, le président Vladimir Poutine a ratifié un projet de loi interdisant la culture et l’élevage de végétaux et animaux génétiquement modifiés (OGM) en Russie. Boris Akimov, fervent protecteur du ...
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Russian Biofuels Association is pleased to invite you to attend the International Congress & Expo “BIOMASS: Fuel & Power”. We would be honored if you considered joining us in Moscow, Russia.
#all #sugar
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That seems to be the theme in grain markets, as a key date in the calendar arrives, with the start later on Thursday of the US Department of Agriculture’s two-day annual Outlook Forum.