→ IKAR in Mass Media → #2530 IKAR in Mass MediaImport duties on products can cancel within a week26 марта 2020 года At the meeting of the Council of the Eurasian economic Commission of 25 March decided to temporarily reduce or cancel import duties on a number of commodities, said a member of the Board (Minister) for trade of the EEC Andrey Slepnev. According to him, the list of goods to be formed within weeks. “It concerns food, baby food and goods a wide range of medical supplies, medicines and components for their production, that is, those goods that are currently experiencing high demand,” – said Slepnyov. on the Eve of the Ministry of agriculture has asked industry associations to prepare proposals for the establishment of zero import duties on agricultural products, raw materials and food “in order to curb the growth of prices for socially significant goods”. At the same time to abolish customs duty on many prepared foods there is no need for most of them is Russia meets the needs of the population. A number of goods overproduction – for example, sugar, poultry and pork. “The offer of pork is enormous, and for the first two months of the year the volume of production increased by 10%”, – assured General Director of the National swine Union Yuri Kovalev. Deficit of fruits and vegetables is not, according to Director of the fruit and vegetable Union Mikhail Glushkov. “On the contrary, zeroing of duties will create unfavorable conditions for domestic manufacturers who have invested in building their own storages for vegetables,” – said Glushkov. Cancellation fees will apply to products, medical, medicines and components for their production But the abolition of duties will be required for Sybased and components for production of veterinary products, breeding material, equipment and spare parts, packing. According to Kovaleva, for the pig industry a key position where the zero duty is necessary, is the seed material, the import of which now operates rate of 5%, soybean meal, vitamins and amino acids – the price on the background of the coronavirus in the world market increased by 15-20%. the President of the Union of manufacturers of soft drinks and mineral waters Maxim Novikov said that the equipment for the industry – 98% imported, producers buy the imported concentrated juices (those crops that do not grow in Russia). Not enough and semi-finished products for packaging of decent quality. In another situation the question of the abolition of customs duties would be long and painful. “But hardly anyone of the neighbors would oppose, except, maybe, local cases,” – said General Director of the Institute for agricultural market studies Dmitry Rylko. Source: kxan36news.com | | Comments: 0 Views: 96
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