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Aug. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Olam International Ltd.'s grain exports from Russia more than doubled as Louis Dreyfus Commodities BV paced declines by other leading traders after drought decimated the country's crop.
Olam shipped 1.31 million metric tons of ...
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Russian wheat export prices fell last week as harvesting gathered pace and despite concerns over quality, analysts and a trader said on Monday. Harvesting in Russia, one of the world's major wheat exporters to North Africa and the Middle East, had ...
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Backed by billionaires' cash, Russian food exports are now worth more than Kalashnikovs and all other military hardware combined.
#vegetables #grain
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MOSCOW, RUSSIA – The Black Sea Grain and Oilseeds 2017-18 conference registration is now open. It will be held at the Azimur Moscow Olympic hotel in Moscow, Russia, on Sept. 7.
#grain #oilseeds #Black-Sea-Grain-and-Oilseeds
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The Conference "Where the margin is 2014" will be held on January 30, 2014, in the Radisson Slavianskaya Hotel in Moscow.
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Tovább nő az orosz exportbúza ára, a múlt héten 12,5 százalékkal, tonnánként 241 dollárra drágult januári szállításra az IKAR mezőgazdasági tanácsadó cég szerint. Az ok a rossz időjárás, amely nehezíti a berakodást az orosz kikötőkben, és a búza ...
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Good Morning! From Allendale, Inc. with the early morning commentary for December 6, 2017.
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Before 2008, if you came to China, you could sell only few species of roses in the market. Phalaenopsis, or butterfly orchid, Peonies, Gypsophila, Gloriosa, were then considered novelties, but now more and more exotic varieties are becoming common ...
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Egypt's commodity supply agency GASC has held its first wheat purchase tender, despite initial media reports that said no bids were received.
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Russia, the world’s biggest wheat exporter, proposed limiting grain shipments to protect its own food security in the face of the spreading coronavirus pandemic.
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RUMOURS emerged on Thursday last week that China had purchased French wheat, and by Friday the wires seemed to confirm that the French had sold between six and 12 panamax cargoes for first- half 2020 delivery.
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SAILING WITH THE WIND OF CHANGE - this motto was worked out by agribusiness captains at the XIV International Conference “Black Sea Grain-2017”, a major international forum recognized by global grain &oilseed producers and exporters. The conference, ...
#grain #oilseeds
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"Look at the colour, what a beautiful crop," says Richard Spinks, pointing to wheat and rapeseed fields that his company sowed this season in western Ukraine.
"If all of Ukraine's farms could produce the yields we are getting, ...
Financial Times
#grain #oilseeds
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MOSCOW, Oct 22 (Reuters) - Russian wheat export prices were relatively stable last week, after more than a month of gains, as the risk of export curbs on grain eased.
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Le cours du blé était stable dans un marché européen très calme, mercredi à la mi-journée, des nouvelles concernant le climat aux Etats-Unis venant légèrement soutenir les prix.
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A migrant ship with pregnant women and children is stranded at sea, and a surprise discovery in Berlin.
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Die europäischen Getreidebauern suchen nach Antworten. Die Getreideernte wird klein – trotzdem fallen die Weizenpreise.
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Les prix du blé étaient proches de l'équilibre vendredi à la mi-journée, dans un marché partagé au lendemain du rapport mensuel du ministère américain de l'agriculture sur la production mondiale de céréales.
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In an effort to thwart American efforts to punish Russia for malign behavior and confront the administration’s efforts to change China’s trade strategy, Russia has offered to lease 2.5M acres of land in the Russian Far East to China for agriculture ...
#grain #oilseeds
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Lebensmittelexporte aus Russland, besonders Weizen und Fisch, erzielten 2017 ein Rekord-Handelsvolumen von 19 Milliarden Dollar, so das russische Zentrum für Exporte. Seit 2012 gab es ein Plus von 25 Prozent. Russland ist damit ...
#grain #flour
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