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Der Lebensmittelkonzern Danone will 5.000 Holstein-Kühe aus Deutschland und den Niederlanden nach Russland importieren. Der Konzern investierte gemeinsam mit dem russischen Unternehmen „Damate“ in eine 60 ha große sibirische Farm, ...
#meat #dairy
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Corn returned to the doldrums today after a big move yesterday, -2 ½ at 3.55 ¼ (Dec). The rally a day ago was not based on a single market-moving event, but thought to be a culmination of several factors including an oversold market, ...
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Krasnodar, August 27 – Yug Times. Our today’s interviewee is Dmitri Rylko, general director of the Institute of Agricultural Market Behaviour.
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#all #sugar
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Russia has increased poultry production by 5.4%, pork production by 5.7% and beef production by 1.1% between January and May 2017 compared to the same period last year, according to recent estimates from the Russian State Statistical Service ...
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A Rússia aumentou a produção de carne de aves em 5,4%, a produção de carne suína em 5,7% e a produção de carne bovina em 1,1% entre janeiro e maio de 2017 em relação ao mesmo período do ano ...
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Grain prices soared in the first session of the week, as bears lost control even of the Black Sea.
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Izvestia: Agriculture Ministry to promote Russian products abroad
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#all #sugar
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In previous years, exports from Russia had been growing at a moderate pace, but the country managed to “make a breakthrough” by expanding the list of importers from 25 in 2015 to 40 in 2016, said IKAR.
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Good Morning! Paul Georgy with the early morning commentary forMay 30, 2017.
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Food basket in Russia rose by an average of 25%. Significantly increased the prices of fish, meat, sweets. The Russians began more actively to grow vegetables on their allotments.
#poultry #meat
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When Murat Shamshinurov toasted this year's harvest with a glass of vodka, he did so with confidence.
Business Report
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Russia exported 173,000 tonnes (t) of meat last year, increasing this figure nearly twofold compared to 2015, according to the country’s Institute of Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR).
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Backyard farms constitute the essence of Russia’s problem with African Swine Fever (ASF). That conclusion was drawn by Sergey Dankvert, head of Russia’s veterinary body Rosselkhoznadzor.
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La Russie prévoit de multiplier par 10 ses exportations de viande, en atteignant d’ici 2020 1 million de tonnes par an. Cette augmentation des exportations pourrait rapporter 10 Mds de plus par an à l’agriculture russe. Selon le Conseil ...
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Według instytutu koniunktury rynków rolnych (IKAR) rosyjska produkcja mięsa w 2016 r. wyniosła około 9,9 mln ton w wadze ubojowej, czyli o 4,4 więcej niż w 2015 r.
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Russlands Fleischerzeugung lag 2016 nach einer Schätzung des nationalen Forschungsinstituts für Agrarmarktkonjunktur (IKAR) bei rund 9,9 Mio. t Schlachtgewicht und damit um 4,4% höher als im Jahr davor. Als Treiber habe sich die ...
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Russia plans to increase meat exports tenfold to 1 million tonnes a year by 2020, according to Alexandr Tkachev, the country’s minister of agriculture.
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Prior to the conference, stayed 3 weeks!
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Which is more important to the Russian authorities: a winning foreign policy or the success of their import substitution program?
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Die russische Fleischerzeugung ist im vergangenen Jahr erneut gewachsen. Expertenschätzungen des Instituts für Konjunktur der Agrarmärkte (IKAR) zufolge lag die Produktion 2016 bei rund 9,9 Mio t Schlachtgewicht (SG); das wären ...
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fleischwirtschaft.de — MOSKAU Die russische Fleischerzeugung wird 2016 gegenüber dem Vorjahr laut Schätzung des nationalen Fleischverbandes um etwa vier Prozent zunehmen.
#meat #poultry
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Russia is close to approving veterinary certificates for exports of meat, in particular heat-treated beef, from the Kaliningrad facility of Miratorg to Japan, Russian veterinary body Rosselkhoznadzor reported on 5 December.
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Russia will decide next week whether to impose a quarantine on pig farms in the southern region of Krasnodar, a measure that could ultimately affect some grain exports, due to outbreaks of highly contagious African Swine Fever (ASF), the head of ...
#meat #grain
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Według instytutu koniunktury rynków rolnych (IKAR), rosyjski import rolno-spożywczy z w bieżącym roku wyniesie około 22,2 mld euro. Jest to o 45,6 proc. mniej niż w 2013 r. - informuje farmer.pl.
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Sustainable Markets: How Will Global Pig Markets React to Changes in Russia?
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GLOBAL - In today’s interconnected, global economy, changes and events in one market can have worldwide implications. “Sustainable Markets” is a series of articles focused on market news and its impact on the economic and environmental ...
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Russia may lift its food embargo on Turkey, due to be in place until the end of 2016, according to the Russian Minister of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev.
#poultry #meat