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In an effort to thwart American efforts to punish Russia for malign behavior and confront the administration’s efforts to change China’s trade strategy, Russia has offered to lease 2.5M acres of land in the Russian Far East to China for agriculture ...
#grain #oilseeds
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«Parece que China está dispuesta a aceptar precios más altos de soya en el corto plazo, pero el plan a largo plazo es claro: la tierra cultivable barata en el Lejano Oriente de Rusia podría ser la próxima fuente de soja de China, pasando por alto a ...
#grain #oilseeds
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The conference will be held in Moscow at the Azimut Moscow Olympic hotel on 06 September 2018.
#grain #oilseeds #Black-Sea-Grain-and-Oilseeds
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Moscow’s deal could help China feed its voracious appetite for soybeans, but analysts are sceptical about the quality of the plots on offer
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A migrant ship with pregnant women and children is stranded at sea, and a surprise discovery in Berlin.
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Rusya'da bazı bölgelerde yağış yetersizliği, geçen yıl rekor kıran tahıl hasatında bu yıl yüksek beklentileri zora soktu. Geçtiğimiz yıl 135 milyon tonluk rekor ...
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Midnight Eastern Time on Friday marked the moment the administration’s tariffs on Chinese imports went into effect. As promised, Beijing hastily reiterated with duties on $34 billion worth of U.S. goods.
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Chinese, Russian and Mexican meat industry experts share glimpse into countries.
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Agromercado, es una publicación patrocinada por FERVA Consultores expertos en mercados agroalimentarios, comercialización de granos, administración de riesgos y agricultura por contrato con más de 20 años de experiencia.
#grain #oilseeds
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KONTAN.CO.ID - MOSKOW. Di tengah perang dagang antara China dan Amerika Serikat, China dilaporkan membeli nyaris tiga kali lipat jumlah kedelai dari Rusia.
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China, the world’s biggest soybean importer, almost tripled purchases from Russia amid a trade dispute with the U.S., the biggest producer.
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Approved By: Deanna Ayala
Prepared By: FAS/Moscow Staff
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Notizie dal mondo nella settimana dal 20 al 26 aprile 2018
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Nezavisimaya Gazeta: Russia may hit back at US strike on Syria with cruise missiles
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Russian exports of food and agricultural raw materials amounted to $20.7 bln last year, a 21.7-percent increase compared to 2016, Izvestia writes citing data provided by the Russian Agriculture Ministry. Grain, flour and cereal products accounted ...
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Strengthening the export positions on the world market will be a key area for the Russian fat-and-oil sector in the coming years. Which countries will act as major trading partners of the industry will be discussed at the conference fat-and-oil-2018.
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Pressure on the loonie helps lift canola futures
#grain #oilseeds
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Russian Biofuels Association is pleased to invite you to attend the International Congress & Expo “BIOMASS: Fuel & Power”. We would be honored if you considered joining us in Moscow (Russia).
#all #sugar
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Food exports from Russia, dominated by wheat and fish, soared to a record $19 billion last year, according to the Russian Export Center.
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Winnipeg (CNS Canada) – The ICE Futures Canada canola complex finished higher on Thursday, despite growing fears that this year’s carryout could get much larger.
#grain #oilseeds
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That seems to be the theme in grain markets, as a key date in the calendar arrives, with the start later on Thursday of the US Department of Agriculture’s two-day annual Outlook Forum.
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On 3-4 April 2018, the Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel in Moscow will host the conference
“The Fat-and- Oil Industry — a Driver of Growth in the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex” (from
hereon called “the Conference”) with the support of the Ministry of ...
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A record-breaking snow storm will benefit wheat crops across central Russia, reinforcing the outlook for another big harvest.
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MOSCOW: Russia plans to start supplying Syria with sunflower oil later this month via privately-held producer Solnechnye Produkty, the producer said on Wednesday.
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La definición sobre tasas impulsó al dólar y el tipo de cambio comprador Bco Nación avanzó 17 centavos y cerró a 18,93 pesos.
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MOSCOW: Russian wheat export prices fell last week, reflecting competition with other global grain exporters, analysts said on Tuesday.
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Often shares and commodities move in different directions, with some observers indeed seeing that a consequence of investors swapping assets classes to seek the best returns.
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Las exportaciones semanales reportadas por el USDA empinaron las cotizaciones internacionales. Expectativas por el informe del 12 de este mes.
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Climate change is working against other regions but in favor of the Eurasian Grain Belt.
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Corn returned to the doldrums today after a big move yesterday, -2 ½ at 3.55 ¼ (Dec). The rally a day ago was not based on a single market-moving event, but thought to be a culmination of several factors including an oversold market, ...