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MOSCOW, Feb 19 (Reuters) - Russian wheat export prices continued to fall last week amid weakening global prices and some growth in shipments, analysts said.
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PARÍS/CANBERRA, 16 feb (Reuters) - Los futuros del trigo de Chicago ampliaban sus pérdidas el viernes hasta un mínimo de dos meses y medio, mientras que el maíz y la soja se consolidaban cerca de mínimos de tres años, después de que las previsiones ...
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MOSCOW, Feb 5 (Reuters) - Russian wheat export prices continued to decline last week, still under pressure from oversupply, while shipments rose to a four-month high after better weather at ports, analysts said.
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MOSCOW, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Russian wheat export prices continued to decline last week amid oversupply pressure in the Black Sea region, but export volumes have gone up, analysts said.
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CANBERRA, 30 ene (Reuters) - Los futuros de la soja en Chicago caían el martes a su nivel más bajo en dos años, por debajo de los 12 dólares el bushel, lastrados tras la mejora de las expectativas de oferta en Sudamérica y la preocupación por la ...
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MOSCOW, Jan 22 (Reuters) - Russian wheat export prices continued to decline last week following a drop in global markets, while shipments also fell amidst challenging weather conditions, analysts said.
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MOSCOW, Jan 15 (Reuters) - Export prices for Russian wheat fell slightly last week amid weak global demand, analysts said.
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MOSCOW: Export prices for Russian wheat have increased slightly over the last two holiday weeks, while market activity has remained low, analysts said on Monday.
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MOSCOW, Jan 8 (Reuters) - Export prices for Russian wheat have increased slightly over the last two holiday weeks, while market activity has remained low, analysts said on Monday.
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Das extrem nasse Wetter und der Rückgang der Weizenanpflanzungen in Westeuropa sind weiterhin zentrales Thema an den Märkten, konnten den Preisrückgang bislang aber nicht aufhalten, geschweige denn umkehren.
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Według Rosyjskiego Instytutu Studiów Rynku Rolnictwa (Ikar) udział Rosji w światowym handlu pszenicą w bieżącym sezonie (lipiec 2023 r. - czerwiec 2024 r.) może wzrosnąć z 22 proc. w poprzednim sezonie do 25 proc.
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It is reported that grain exports may reach an all-time high of 36.7 mln tons in the first half of the season
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MOSCOW, Dec 25 (Reuters) - Export prices for Russian wheat rose slightly again last week but market activity dropped noticeably with the onset of the holiday season, analysts said.
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MOSCOW, Dec 18 (Reuters) - Export prices for Russian wheat rose slightly last week amid some intensification of demand from importers and more favourable weather in ports for shipments, analysts said.
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MOSCOW, Dec 14 (Reuters) - Russia's grain harvest this year is expected to reach 146 million metric tons in net weight, President Vladimir Putin said at an annual press conference on Thursday.
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SINGAPORE, Dec 12 (Reuters) - Chicago soybeans fell on Tuesday, shedding some of previous session's gains and easing from their highest levels since early December, although concerns over adverse weather conditions in top exporter Brazil limited ...
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SINGAPORE, Dec 12 (Reuters) - Chicago soybean futures gained more ground on Tuesday, with prices climbing to the highest since early December, as concerns over adverse weather conditions in top exporter Brazil underpinned the market.
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SINGAPORE: Chicago soybeans fell on Tuesday, shedding some of previous session’s gains and easing from their highest levels since early December, although concerns over adverse weather conditions in top exporter Brazil limited losses.
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MOSCOW, Dec 11 (Reuters) - Export prices for Russian wheat rose further last week as the situation with shipments from ports remained difficult due to difficult weather conditions, analysts say.
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Tovább nő az orosz exportbúza ára, a múlt héten 12,5 százalékkal, tonnánként 241 dollárra drágult januári szállításra az IKAR mezőgazdasági tanácsadó cég szerint. Az ok a rossz időjárás, amely nehezíti a berakodást az orosz kikötőkben, és a búza ...
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De graanprijzen zitten weer in de lift. De belangrijkste oorzaken zijn een stijgende vraag uit China en stijgende noteringen op de termijnmarkten.
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MOSCOW, Dec 11 (Reuters) - Export prices for Russian wheat rose further last week as the situation with shipments from ports remained difficult due to difficult weather conditions, analysts say.
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MOSCOW: Export prices for Russian wheat rose last week amid continued adverse weather conditions for shipments in the Black Sea, analysts said.
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MOSCOW: Export prices for Russian wheat rose last week amid continued adverse weather conditions for shipments in the Black Sea, analysts said.
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MOSCÚ, 30 nov (Reuters) - La consultora agrícola IKAR dijo el jueves que espera que la cosecha de grano de Rusia para 2024/25 sea de 145 millones de toneladas métricas, de las que 92 millones serían de trigo, por encima de los 144 millones de ...
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MOSCOW, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Export prices for Russian wheat rose last week amid continued adverse weather conditions for shipments in the Black Sea, analysts said.
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MOSCOW, Nov 30 (Reuters) - Russia's IKAR agricultural consultancy said on Thursday that it expects Russia's 2024/25 grain crop to be 145 million metric tons, of which 92 million tons would be wheat.
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The port of Azov has seen heavy rain since Nov. 24, which has flooded the Black Sea port and prevented the loading of grain aboard coaster vessels, market participants said to S&P Global Commodity Insights Nov. 27.
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CANBERRA, 1 dic (Reuters) - Los futuros del trigo de Chicago bajaban el viernes, pero se encaminaban a terminar la semana con una subida del 3%, después de que las ventas de exportación estadounidenses, mayores de lo esperado, impulsaran un repunte ...
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Chicago wheat rose for the first time in three sessions on Tuesday as bargain buying supported the market although improved health of the U.S. winter crop limited the upside potential in prices.